Bio7 1.7.1 for Linux Released


I released a new Linux version of Bio7 (64-bit only – see Screenshots below).
For an overview of the new features please read the release notes for Windows 1.7.0 and 1.7.1:

In addition some Linux specific improvements are embedded in this release.

Additional Linux features:

  • Rserve can be opened with a Gnome or xterm terminal
  • New silent Rserve connection (without the need to start xterm)
  • Improved Rserve shutdown
  • New option to open R  plots with Inkscape (*.svg, *.eps)
  • New option to open *.pdf files with a specific reader
  • Added a Linux pseudo terminal (using bash) in the Bio7 console




For an installation simply extract the Bio7 *.zip file at your preferred location.


To use R within Bio7 you have to install R and the package Rserve from within R.
The paths to R have to be adjusted in the following Bio7 R preferences:

Preferences->Preferences Bio7
Preferences->Preferences Rserve

The default path to R on Linux is:


Bio7 Linux 1.7.1 comes with a bundled Jre (1.7.40) so you don’t have to install the latest Java.
The default reserved memory space for Java on the Linux OS is 1024mb.

A more detailed instruction can be found in the Bio7 documentation:


Bio7 1.7.1 for Linux can be downloaded here!



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