A new version of Bio7 is available. The application Bio7 is a free and open-source integrated development environment for ecological modeling, scientific image analysis and statistical analysis.

Bio7 3.4 Release Notes
- Bio7 3.4 based on Eclipse RCP 4.23
- Bundled with Adoptium JDK 17
- MacOSX M1 built available (64-bit)
- Improved dark theme (e.g., Windows 11 support)
- Improved Linux layout
- Updated Groovy interpreter
- Updated general libraries (e.g., hardware libraries for serial ports, ssh for Windows)
- Bugfixes
- Bio7 Windows bundled with R 4.1.3 and Rserve
- Improved R editor
- R editor support for R 4.1 grammar (shorthand function notation, native pipe operators)
- New grammar code completion features
- Improved R perspective layout and layout of views
- The SWT browser is now the default browser for different previews, documents and plots (for LaTeX, markdown, shiny, etc.)
- Updated embedded ImageJ to the latest version (1.53q18)
- Improved the ‘Detach Images’ menu action
- Added an post activation action for detached views (‘Open All Images as Views’ action bugfix for Windows)
- Improved the layout action for orthogonal stack views (in detached views)
- Added an API method to invoke the ‘Open All Images as Views’ action
- The ImageJ macro action ‘setLocation’ will now change the size and location of detached views if available
- The Java dynamic compiler now supports Java 17 compilation
- JDK is bundled with JavaFX 17 and JavaScript Nashorn 15.3
- Simplified the default Java classpath
Download and Installation:
Just download the *.zip distribution file from https://bio7.org and unzip it in your preferred location. Bio7 comes bundled with Java Adoptium, R, Rserve and works out of the box.
Download and extract the installation file from https://bio7.org.
Bio7 comes bundled with Java (Adoptium).
For Linux you have to install R and a special compiled version Rserve.
To install Rserve start the R console and paste the following Github release, see:
Download and extract the installation file from https://bio7.org.
Bio7 comes bundled with Java (Adoptium).
For MacOSX you have to install R a special compiled version Rserve.
To install Rserve start the R console and paste the following Github release, see:
To start Bio7 (unsigned) on MacOSX Big Sur and Monterey
To start Bio7 after installation please follow this advice:
Bio7 Documentation
For more information about Bio7 please consult the soon updated Bio7 User Guide.
A plethora of Bio7 videotutorials for an introduction can be found on YouTube.