I released a new version of the Eclipse ImageJ plugin which now bundles ImageJ (version1.51p) with a full featured Eclipse editor for the macro language of ImageJ.
Added features of the editor:
- Dynamic error detection (grammar derived from the ECMA grammar by Bart Kiers)
- Toolbar action to execute ImageJ macros
- Syntax highlightening
- Debugging support (reusing and implementing interfaces and methods from @Wayne – same keyboard shortcuts – see animation below)
- Code completion (with browser help)
- Code templates (add you own templates)
- Info popups (text hoover)
- Outline view (var variables, variables, methods and macros)
- Automatic closing of braces, parentheses and strings
- Automatic indention of functions,loops, etc.
- Code folding
- Code formatting (based on the Eclipse-javascript-formatter by Sebastian Moran)
- Resize fonts functions (with Ctrl++ or CMD++, CTRL+- or CMD +-)
- Font preferences
- Mark occurences (scope independant)
- A copy function for this forum (simply adding javascript tags which I often forget;-))