Uploaded MacOSX version with corrected OpenJDK path
In the latest MacOSX release the path to the embedded Java OpenJDK was wrong (not a relative path). I uploaded a corrected version to sourceforge.
If you have already downloaded Bio7 you can simply correct the path in the Bio7.ini file (right-click, “Show Package Contents”, Path: “Contents/Eclipse”. Replace the vm path argument with the relative path to the embedded OpenJDK:
Fix – can’t run app because of permission in Big Sur
If you can’t open Bio7 after download even after the changes of the security settings try the following command-line recipe:
Solution which worked in the Terminal:
> sudo chmod -R 755 /Applications/Bio7.app
> sudo xattr -dr com.apple.quarantine /Applications/Bio7.app
There is also a utility app available on Github to help with the MacOSX security settings, see: