I released a new version of Bio7 for Windows, Linux and MacOSX simultaneously. This release is based on Eclipse 4.5 which was published on Wednesday.
It comes bundled with the latest ImageJ version (1.49u) and the latest R version (bundled with Windows and Mac).
Download at: http://bio7.org
New features:
- Based on Eclipse 4.5 (Mars)
- Updated ImageJ to 1.49u
- Updated R to version 3.2.1
- HTML editor has now an enabled “Outline” view (with the help of a HTML parser)
- New feature and action (main toolbar) to create knitr HTML reports easily (just add R commands in a HTML div layer which can be created with the knitr action in the GUI HTML editor toolbar – see screenshot below)
- Added default knitr HTML preferences
- Added more R editor preferences
- Improved the MacOSX GUI
- Updated all scientific libraries for Java (Commons Math, etc.)
- Improved the dynamic invocation of the Java main method (now an empty string is passed)
- Updated the Groovy interpreter
Simply unzip the archive of Bio7 2.2 (Windows, Linux) in your preferred OS location. The Mac version can be installed easily with the available *.dmg file installer.
Linux only: R and Rserve have to be installed. Please install Rserve in cooperative mode for Bio7: sudo PKG_CPPFLAGS=-DCOOPERATIVE R CMD INSTALL Rserve_1.8-1.tar.gz
See: Bio7 documentation