The Road to OpenJDK 11

22.11.2018 it was a long road to the Java 11module system because a lot of bugs and settings had to be fixed for the next release of Bio7 which will be bundled with the OpenJDK as the default Java Runtime. With Java 11 finally scaling of JavavFX, Swing and AWT components inside of Bio7 is … Read more

Bio7 2.8 Released

30.05.2018 A new and improved release of Bio7 is available. The new Bio7 2.8 release comes with a plethora of new R features and bugfixes. Release Notes: General: Updated Eclipse RCP to 4.7.3 Windows R update to version 3.5.0 ImageJ plugin updated to version 1.52d7 Added the ImageJ Edit perspective to the default opened perspectives … Read more

Bio7 2.7 Released

02.01.2018 A new version of Bio7 is available. The application Bio7 is an integrated development environment for ecological modeling scientific image analysis and statistical analysis. Over the years Bio7 evolved to a platform useful for a broad scientific context. This release includes a plethora of new features and improvements for the R editor, RShell, RMarkdown … Read more

ImageJ Plugin with Eclipse Macro Editor Updated

16.11.2017 I released a new version of the ImageJ plugin which comes bundled with a feature complete ImageJ macro editor. For an overview of the plugin please consult the github page: Release notes: Updated ImageJ plugin to version 1.51.s24 Code completion (templates) action now displays the macro documentation when typing Code completion context information … Read more

Dark Skin for Bio7 2.5

23.03.2017 For the next upcoming release of Bio7 a new dark skin will be available. Here are some screenshots for Linux and Windows. Some UI elements of Windows are controlled from the OS and can’t be skinned at the moment. Linux: Windows: